Accuracy and Attention

Accurate financial reporting and attention are crucial. Mistakes in financial records can lead to losses and legal issues, so precision is essential.

Proactive Tax Planning

Assist clients in minimizing tax liabilities through strategic tax planning, deductions, credits, and compliance with changing tax laws.

Professional Team

A team of highly qualified and certified professionals, such as CPA's & CA's with expertise in various aspects of accounting and finance.

Your Financial Partner for Success

Through our unwavering commitment to these principles, we aim to be the go-to choice for businesses seeking financial clarity and success in an ever-evolving financial landscape.

Our Vision

    To be the trusted partner in financial excellence, empowering businesses to thrive through transparent, accurate, and innovative accounting solutions

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide exceptional financial accounting services that enable our clients to make informed decisions, achieve sustainable growth, and navigate the complexities of the financial landscape.

More about us

Services for You

Nav Accounting is actively providing bookkeeping, payroll and accounting services across all major cities of the Canada to a wide variety of clients. We at Nav Accounting, consistently maintain the quality of our services and keep high-quality standards for each of Work Order. Our experienced team of professionals help our clients to reduce operational costs while providing the best support and consultancy along with extending the core services.

Personal & Corporation Taxes

Nav Accounting has on-site tax experts who can analyze and prepare variety of returns ranging from

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Incorporation Services

Nav Accounting can assist you to understand all the necessary steps required in starting up your business and

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GST/ HST Filling

Accounting provides services in the computation, preparation, and remittance of HST and payroll

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Payroll, WSIB

Accounting provides services in the computation, preparation, and remittance of HST and payroll

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Book Keeping

Nav Accounting has a well-trained accounting staff that can handle all your company's accounting and bookkeeping

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Full Cycle Accounting

A full cycle accounting is a set of accounting activities undertaken by every business throughout the year, in a

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Let's Connect

Reach out today to discover the
opportunities behind your numbers

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Why Choose Us?

NAV Accounting & Taxes Inc. is a reputable accounting firm specializing in a range of financial services, including personal and corporate tax preparation, income tax planning, accounting and bookkeeping, GST/HST return filing, and business incorporation/registration. Our team of seasoned professional accountants is committed to addressing all your financial requirements and boasts a solid history of client satisfaction.

We pride ourselves on the unique combination of personalized attention and extensive expertise we bring to our clients' needs. At Nav Accounting, we cater to both businesses and individuals, offering comprehensive support for personal tax preparation. Our deep knowledge in nurturing the growth of small businesses is particularly valuable for entrepreneurial ventures.

Our dedicated team is resolute in delivering top-tier solutions to your tax and accounting challenges. We stay abreast of the latest tax laws and regulations, enabling us to identify key tax optimization opportunities that reduce both current and future tax obligations.


What our Client say!

Answers for You!

We provide a wide range of services, including accounting, tax preparation, financial consulting, and more. Our goal is to assist individuals and businesses with their financial needs.

You can easily schedule a consultation by contacting our office via phone or email. We'll be happy to discuss your specific needs and set up a convenient appointment.

We serve a diverse clientele, including individuals,overseas students, small businesses, startups, corporations, and nonprofit organizations. Our services are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.

Our experienced tax professionals can assist you with tax planning, ensuring you take advantage of all available deductions and credits. We also handle the preparation and filing of your tax returns accurately and on time.

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We differentiate ourselves through our commitment to personalized service, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of the latest tax laws and financial regulations. Our team is dedicated to your financial success.

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